Sunday 17 January 2010

Oh What A Week ...

It has been the most awful week this week. Firstly my pal Mopps became seriously ill on Monday. She wasn't herself in the morning when she allowed me to eat some of her food and didn't moan at me when I bounced around and tried to pull her ears. I soon realised that she couldn't be quite right and left her to sleep on a bean bag. In the afternoon she went to see mum in the kitchen and collapsed on my bed so mum picked her up and rushed her to our nice vets while I went for a walk with the two leg boy. When we got home mum was home without Mopps. Mum spoke to the vet later on and then had to collect Mopps and take her to another vet to stay overnight. This vet called mum every couple hours to tell her how my pal was doing, she wasn't doing very well and I heard mum saying some serious stuff about it being ok to call her in the middle of the night, I knew it was very serious then - my mum does not like being woken up in the middle of the night, not even by little me. In the morning Mopps went back to our vet who then called my mum to tell her she was going downhill ... hmm, I thought she was at the vets not going down a hill, I wondered which hill it was. Mum had to go with her friend to collect Mopps and take her to a specialist who could tell mum what was wrong with her. This specialist told mum that it would cost between 4 and 6 and a half thousand pounds to make Mopps better. Mum was cross, this specialist had called her while she was driving to collect Mopps from our vets and was asked how she intended to pay the bill for Mopps as this specialist only took direct payments. Mum told the lady she would rob a bank and switched her phone off - I think mum was MAD.
When mum got to this new vet specialist he said he would do some tests on Mopps heart and some other things for a couple of hours and this would use up all the money left on mums insurance for Mopps. After that mum would have to make a decision on further treatment. Mum came home and took me for a walk. I hadn't been in and out of my crate so much and I was missing my Mopps. After 2 hours the vet called back and told mum something not very nice because mum sounded sad. Mum said that she understood and yes she agreed for Mopps to be put to sleep - thank god for that, she could come home and sleep next to me on the bean bag again ! As soon as mum put the phone down her friend called and mum said something and then I was put in my bloody crate again and mum drove off. When mum came back she looked like she had been crying and the two legs were asking questions. Mum went onto the computer and looked up all the details of what the vet had diagnosed Mopps with. She had D I C, likely cause: two liver tumours. (Simple Description link)

On Wednesday mum asked this man to come round, he was nice and pleased to see me and gave me a big fuss. He then went off to the bottom of the garden and dug this big hole. I had to stay in and watch through the door even though it looked like I could have been having some fun helping with the hole and it was snowing heavy. Oh joy, then I had to go back in my crate while mum went out AGAIN. When mum came back she was M-A-D and very upset. After Richard, the hole man had spent an hour digging the hole in the garden, one of the two legs came home from school because it had been shut with the snow, mum quickly sent him to his friends without even letting him say hello to me. Richard then filled the hole all back up - what a silly thing to do.... I leave the holes I dig in the garden open. Mum was talking to her friend on the phone, she used some words sounding similar to stuck but I may have got confused with this as she was saying she had got stuck in a car park and had to be dug out and had told someone how disgusting it was that they had charged her £850 per hour to fix Mopps and then couldn't 'stucking' put salt down in their car park and she had a dead dog in the boot .... Jeez, I'm glad my mum doesn't talk to me like that - dead ? did my mum say dead - dear god my Mopps is DEAD !

This is where you do not want to end up when it is icy and snowy ..... and also if your insurance cover is less than 5K.

They do have a posh drinks maker that you can ask for assistance with - you do not pay for these drinks - they are hidden in the final bill my mum suspects .... My mum says that she is sure that this specialist vets does make some animals better but when being referred to a specialist vet always stay in control of what these people are doing to your animal, for your animals sake and also for your own financial situation because these people are robbing bastards in times of great grief and turmoil.

Mum lightened the load and took me to this club in the evening. I was so pleased to see Honey my half sister from R litter and this gorgeous looking long haired thing almost like me called Dexter. I tried to be a bit more classy with him and just touched noses and acted demurely then got down to some serious play with Honey. There were lots of other little dogs in the club and all of us had to show this woman called a teacher what we knew. I know a lot about a lot but I was too busy catching up with Honey to show anyone anything I knew. When we got home we went to mums mum to tell her all the news and how I had misbehaved at club and how next week Honey and me will probably not be allowed to sit together - I feel like I can't do anything right .... I miss my Mopps and her steady influence on me and I can't eat because I feel a bit lost.

On Thursday it was my mums big birthday - she was 40 ! Mum said it wasn't a very Happy Birthday for her this year and she was ignoring it. My mums mum and a two leg took me out for a walk - ARGHHHHHHH - There was a man with two dogs on the walk and mums mum asked him if they were ok off the lead and the man said yes .... I went over to say hello and then one of the dogs put its paw up to my face and clonked me very hard and bit into my bottom lip. That dog certainly needed its claws cut like I have mine done. I did a little yelp and was trying to be very brave. The man who owned the dogs just walked off. The two legs rushed me home where my mum almost cried when she saw me. Mums friend bathed my face and I just sat there quietly. There was lots of blood. Mum got some antiseptic wound powder and said she couldn't look at me - Oh my, what did I look like I wondered .... I slept on the sofa with my head resting on a cushion covered over with a blankey. (This is the road to ruin mum, I thought smugly)I was woken by some nice smells and I felt a whole lot better. Mum let me have these things called Prawn Crackers - well it was her birthday ... Mum says I won't be winning any beauty contests now but I am ok and she took me back out for a walk in the evening with Russ my pal from the shop. I have been back to the walk each day as mum says this is the only way to conquer my confidence knock and I am feeling ok by the time we get half way round. I was disappointed that we had to cancel a walk in Ampthill Park with Honey today but mum was worried my scabby face might bleed with all the mouthing we do. Mum has got me a silly cone thing for me to wear at night so I cannot scratch my face and then the scabs but then she felt guilty putting it on me so has let me sleep on sofa on her duvet with her under it at night - her silly rule of NOT IN MY BED will be out of the window if I keep her awake for many more nights - he he. Now she is 'trying' to put vaseline round my scabby face to stop them itching in the hope that I won't scratch and bleed. I know her game and the sofa is where I want to be NOT THAT CRATE. I am feeling better in myself and back to eating my food after a few days of not feeling hungry and I am getting used to not having Mopps around to torment. I did hear mum talking about emails with my old mum Kate - I wonder what they are about .....

New week tomorrow - oh please let it be better.

Sunday 20 December 2009

On The Streets

This week has seen me out and about. I am meeting and greeting lots of new people on my walks around the village. Of course lots of comments on how beautiful I am and then people say 'but what is she ?' Most people don't seem to have heard of my sort before !
There again most people look at Mopps and think she is an odd looking Poodle with a funny tail and she's an Irish Water Spaniel.
I had great fun in Ampthill Park yesterday with my half sister Honey from another Gunfield litter. It was absolutely freezing and all white everywhere but we kept warm going mad together. Mum wondered if we would know each other when we met. I was a bit over the top to start with, being a week older than Honey but then Honey held her own. Am looking forward to seeing her again for some play time. (Honey is in pink and i am in red)Nice to meet an old dog that didn't mind me putting my face in its face aswell. Mopps still isn't impressed when I want to be nice !

Saturday 12 December 2009

12 Weeks Today !

Pictures: Me getting caught 'gardening' and on the skids, but I caught the ball ...

A busy week. One of the two legs has been home all week with what mum thinks is Pig Flu. It has been great as I have managed to snuggle on sofa hidden under blanket most of the time with the sick one.

Had my 2nd jab last Monday so am up for some serious socialisation as of tomorrow. Hurrah for that. I had put on stacks and weighed in at 7.28kg and mums proper vet said I looked absolutely great.

Today I had a visit from 2 men dressed in Army clothes. They smelled absolutely yummy. One talked to me a bit funny and then he showed me this furry thing, which mum said was a rabbit foot. I don't know what possessed me but I nearly ripped the man's hand off. Mum said I must not be so naughty, this man is the man who is going to teach me how to behave properly when I go out to work. He thought I was very clever after I showed him all my nose poses and sat for him and went crazy in the garden looking for this rabbit foot. The man said mum can take me next week for 5 minutes to sit and watch while he shoots. I don't think I can wait.

I have to admit that I have been quite quite naughty this week. I can manage to jump up against the work surfaces and pull anything that happens to be on the edge off the edge and onto the floor. Mum has been less than impressed with this trick. I have also managed to turn the hob on, but only once while something was on it .... burning handbag doesn't smell too sweet.

Friday 4 December 2009

Eating Words And Other Things

Mum has been eating her words from last blog after getting 24 hours of what I had. I on the other hand have been absolutely great for a whole 5 days after having to take Pro Kolin to calm my tummy. It's miracle stuff. Mum should get a tube for herself instead of a big tube of Minstrels .... I am putting on weight and eating twice as much as I was before, no wonder I am growing fast. Obviously this gives me the added bonus of far more energy, not only to wander up the new path but to be as naughty as I can be. The word 'DOWN' has been featuring a lot, 'DOWN' from jumping up anywhere I can jump up although I have realised that jumping up to people is a big 'NO - DOWN' and after getting a few squirts in the face from a water spray I have been getting better. Today I have been helping out in the garden with some pruning and playing spot me if you can ...

Sunday 29 November 2009

Walking On Water And Other Tricks

Well what can I say about the last few days ... Yesterday I went to the vets for my 2nd jab but because I have been so poorly with my tummy I wasn't able to have it. The vet said that I don't behave poorly and my temperature is fine but I must have some stuff for my tummy and see how I go ... jeez, I have been 'going' and now need to stop. The vet wasn't very happy that mum had ordered the medicine online as advised by my old mum. Mum wasn't very happy either but managed to keep her mouth shut until we got in the car and then said she didn't like that vet at all and he always looked drunk and doesn't speak coherently ... hmm, I think I prefer mums proper vet as well. He said a word mum understood last week and she replied that I didn't have any and they both laughed. So until my tummy gets better my life out on the streets is delayed and I am doing so well on the lead as well, what a blow.

Today I have mastered a number of tricks ... Firstly this morning I was doing well with my 'come' command when my mum forgot that sometimes I do manage to run in a straight line, and in between me and my mum was the pond. I managed to 'skim' the top and float until mum stopped laughing and picked me out. So I had a nice warm bath and snuggled up with a hot water bottle and jumper. This afternoon I worked out that my food is kept in a container on the side, the smell in the air when I do my regal nose look is just too much, so I now can walk on my back legs for a few seconds either backwards or forwards in the hope that one of these days I could be big enough to reach up to that container .... then mum put it in a cupboard ... another blow.

One trick I am back on with and one mum had hoped I would literally grow out of is getting through the stair gate into the lounge. In my first week I could do it easy as pie, early last week I had to admit defeat but today, due to my weight loss, lovely long legs and growing into my feet shape, I am back into the space .... Mum says she needs a bit of what I've got ...

Thursday 26 November 2009

New Horizons Part 2 ...

I have been happily romping in my garden today discovering the undergrowth and sampling a new delight that my mum tried to hook out of my mouth when she caught me chewing. When she pulled out her finger she made a funny noise that sounded like she was choking and said I was a foul thing and told me off. It seems that I had got the wrong fowl and cat crap does not come under 'fur or feather' I will try harder next time. I have also discovered a whole new world beyond my back garden gate. My world is really quite big. Mopps has been going off through the gate at the end of the garden and last night my mum held me up to look through the trellis to watch Mopps. I shook and shivered in her arms and tried to scramble out to follow Mopps. Mum carried me through the gate and WOW ! I have another garden that is just massive and mum says that when the grass seed grows a bit more I can run and hunt some things. While I am little I must stay on my lead and walk on the path with mum. When I am big I am going to run more mad than I do already and I am going to try to hunt the fowl stuff mum says I should. So mum doesn't have to shout when I am off 'hunting' she has started with a whistle today. I have to do all my 'work' at the sound of this thing hanging around her neck. When I heard the word sit and the whistle straight after I had to sit. Later mum blew the whistle and I sat quickly. Mum wasn't sure if this was just me sitting because I wanted to sit anyway but she gave me a big fuss for being clever and I jumped right up and grabbed the whistle. Mum says she needs to know the whistle command for stop being naughty ...

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Leggy Bird

My mum says I am getting a 'leggy bird' but I am still waiting for the Heron that flies over every morning to touch down in my garden so I can find out what a leggy bird is all about.

My mum also says I am big trouble and very naughty. I have been opening the lounge door and that is a 'NO' but I have been ignoring that word a lot over the weekend, it is getting quite dull. Mums friend had a clever idea to fill a milk carton with stones and shake it every time I did something mum classed as 'naughty' - that worked for an hour. Now she has adjusted the stair gate on the lounge door and I just cannot squeeze through any more so pointless bothering with the paw hit door trick. I have been scuppered.

I am pleased to report that Mopps has started to be a bit more accommodating with her bed and also offered me my toy back - I think this was a peace offering and was so surprised that I didn't know what to do so the toy just sat in the middle of us like some kind of Berlin Wall pre demolition.

I am sleeping in a bit more in the morning too which mum is pleased with and happy in my crate when it's bed time. All in all, things are going good.